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HomeLeadership Resources

  Comments provided by 2021 Yacht Club Leadership Seminar attendees :

Question:  Would you recommend this program to your club’s future leaders?

—Yes.  Excellent form of education for board members and those considering being on the board.

—It should be a requisite program for board members.


Question:  Do you think this program considering all your costs (seminar fee, hotel, meals and transportation) represent a good value? Why or why not?

—The information was well worth the cost and effort.

—Very reasonable cost for the value.  I will recommend to the flag offices at my club.

—Excellent value for the wealth of information.  I thought I knew a lot but didn’t realize how little I knew.

Leadership Resources

The management of a yacht club is much more complex than the management of most businesses.  The fact that the a yacht club’s members are both the owners and customers presents issues that require some unique management approaches. 

The Florida Commodores Association provides ongoing education to its members for the purpose of ensuring strong leadership within Florida yacht clubs.

The Leadership Resources Committee uses two platforms to educate and inform its members:

General Membership Meetings - each quarterly meeting of the membership includes an educational program related to improving the leadership of yacht clubs or enhancing the membership benefits of yacht club members.

Leadership Training Seminars - are an intensive learning experience sponsored by the Florida Commodores Association. The seminars provide much of what a yacht club officer or director needs to know in order to perform effectively in the complex and demanding world of club life. 

The seminars are appropriate for incoming and serving yacht club officers and directors, but is open to all those interested in learning how to manage a yacht club.
Seminar modules are presented by Past Commodores and professionals in many areas.  This is an intensive program of how to manage and direct your yacht club today and plan for its future. 
The major areas that can be covered during the seminars are: 

Leadership: Gaining the trust of members,  motivating volunteers to be productive and earning the respect of members and employees.


Club Management: Hear the ‘secrets’ of effective yacht club management in the areas of hiring, firing, testing, managing and compensating employees. 


Taxes:  Fully understanding the tax laws as they apply to yacht club revenue sourcing in the only way to protect your club’s tax status.


Communication: External (advertising, news releases, newspaper/magazine articles and social media) and internal (newsletters, e-mails, websites, and member meetings.)


Commodore/Manager Relations:  The ability for these two senior positions to share concepts, plans and data is essential in insuring a well-run and successful club.


Followship: How committee member and volunteer support of the club’s leaders is crucial in accomplishing the goals and objectives of a successful organization.


Meetings and Presentations:  The ability for yacht club leaders to properly and efficiently conduct committee, Board and member meetings as well as delivering information and explaining plans and decisions is critical in gaining the support of the club’s  members.


Insurance: Understanding the myriad of insurance necessary to protect your club in many areas you may not have considered is necessary for today’s yacht club leaders.


Club Business: Understanding that every club is a business and it’s leaders cannot effectively oversee it’s management without a basic understanding of goal setting, finances, costing, pricing and asset management.


Recruiting, Retention and Marketing: Recruiting new members, member retention and membership diversity and interests is the primary way you can insure the continued success of your club.


Safety: Canned safety programs are fine for cans but every yacht club is different.  We provide the structure and guidelines each club needs to develop and maintain a custom safety program.


Strategic Planning: Get the basics of developing a plan for your club that will set priorities, focus energy and resources to insure the long-range future of your club.

Legal Matters: Conducting club business in a compliance with Federal, State and local laws does matter. Learn the common mistakes clubs make in this area.

Yacht Club Leadership Seminar