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The Florida Commodores Association serves as a greatly needed link among Florida yacht clubs.  It provides for the exchange of information among clubs on a statewide basis.  It also provides a much needed social link and conduit for interaction among past, current and future commodores of yacht clubs in the State of Florida. 

Its educational program is designed to improve the quality of leadership in yacht clubs by providing instruction in the proper functioning of clubs and the customs and courtesies of yachting. 

It also engages in charitable programs through its FCA Foundation and programs such as WAVE.



Yacht Club Leadership Seminar

August 16-17, 2024

Halifax River Yacht Club

Daytona, Florida

Click HERE to get a registration form, Schedule, Lodging Information, and Bios of Presenters

Click here to see details about the upcoming

Fall General Membership Meeting & Change of Watch

on October 25 - 26, 2024

at Lake Beresford Yacht Club.

Click here to read the third issue of the

Florida Commodores Journal for 2024

Four-Star Award materials, brochures, and nomination forms have been mailed to qualifying Florida yacht clubs. Check with your yacht club to take advantage of this prestigious award by nominating a deserving Past Commodore from your club.