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Home2022 Pensacola General Meeting & COW Summary


                     Pensacola Yacht Club hosts FCA  

Friday:  EXCOM meeting and Happy Hour

On Friday, November 4th, the 2022 EXCOM and Committee Chairs met for their final meeting of the year prior to the election and induction of new officers at the Fall General Membership Meeting and Change of Watch the following day.  2022 Commodore Ray Dewrell presided over the meeting in which the Flag Officers presented their End-of-Year reports.  Committee Chairs also provided their final assessments of their activities.  Commodore Dewrell thanked the officers and committee chairs for their time and efforts in ensuring that the association provided services for its members.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Flag Officers and Committee Chairs joined spouses and friends in the club's lounge for an evening of adult beverages, scrumptious entrees, and much laughter and fun.  FCA Out-going Treasurer John Matthews celebrated a birthday and Commodore-elect Bob Sutton's wife, Renee, received a surprise - she won the 50/50 raffle provided by Pensacola Yacht Club.

Pensacola 2022 Friday Night
Saturday: FCA Fall General Membership Meeting 

FCA members gathered in the meeting room at Pensacola Yacht Club (PYC) for the General Membership Meeting.  The morning started with a delicious array of fruits, juices, and bakery pastries to fortify members during the meeting.  Ample quantities of coffee were consumed as members visited with each other.  Having come from various parts of the state, members enjoyed catching up on news with those that they had not seen in a while.

Commodore Dewrell presided over his final meeting of his 2022 Watch.  A prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting.  Commodore Dewrell requested a roll call of chapters in order to establish a quorum. Commodore Dewrell thanked PYC for hosting our meeting.  A monetary gift and plaque were presented to the club's General Manager.  Deceased member FCA Fleet Captain Stan Mitchell was remembered for the work that he had done all these years for the association.  Flag Officers presented their End-of-Year reports.  These will be filed with the minutes of the meeting.  Committee Chairs also presented their End-of-Year reports.  

Immediate Past Commodore and Nominations Chair, Jack Kennedy, presented the slate of officers for the upcoming year 2023: 

Commodore - P/C Bob Sutton (Pensacola Yacht Club)
Vice Commodore - P/C Pete Tyson (Pelican Yacht Club)
Rear Commodore - P/C Anita Clark (Lake Beresford Yacht Club)
Fleet Captain - P/C Jack Kennedy (Bay Point Yacht Club)
Treasurer - P/C Margaret Yaeger (Halifax River Yacht Club)
Secretary - P/C Susan McKinnon (Pensacola Yacht Club)

Members voted unanimously to accept these officers for the 2023 year.  

Following the meeting, members were enlightened about yacht club management by the CEO and co-founder of Club Benchmarking, Mr. Ray Cronin.   His presentation highlighted those steps that club management needs to take in order to grow and prosper in this economy. Audience members took advantage of Mr. Cronin's knowledge and expertise to seek answers to issues that their clubs were experiencing.

A scrumptious lunch buffet was served and then members enjoyed the presentation by PYC Commodore Tom Pace describing the steps that the city of Pensacola had taken to bring the crew and sailboat, American Magic, to their city.  American Magic's crew is training on the bay and citizens are able to watch this uniquely designed sailboat practice for the America's Cup.

PYC 2022 General Meeting

Saturday Night:  FCA Sundowner Ceremony & Change of Watch

The evening started off with the weather taking a break from the downpour we had experienced earlier.  We were able to conduct our traditional Sundowner Ceremony. Master of Ceremony, P/C Susan McKinnon, narrated the proceedings. The FCA Past Commodores and Associates, along with the Bridge of Pensacola made a memorable scene as the flag was lowered. The national anthem was sung, and the cannon fired to signal sundown as the flag was folded and presented to the PYC Commodore Tom Pace. 

Members marched back into the clubhouse to visit and enjoy the beautifully decorated tablescapes.  The PYC Ballroom was elegantly decked out with chiffon swags on the ceilings and centerpieces of sailing awards with orchids.  Out-going Commodore Ray Dewrell presided over the Change of Watch.  He thanked his bridge and presented them with certificates of appreciation and a gift.  He also thanked his spouse, Ann, with a bouquet of a dozen red roses for her support during the year.

Commodore Dewrell then presided over the induction of 2023 Commodore Bob Sutton.  2023 Commodore Sutton presented Immediate Past Commodore Dewrell with a framed FCA Flag as a token of appreciation.  Commodore Sutton then called his 2023 Bridge to the podium for their induction and presentation of officer patches.  Commodore Sutton also presented his spouse, Renee, with a dozen red roses for her help in coordinating the weekend.

A delectable dinner was served and the band played dancing music for those who were ready to "kick up their heels'.  The FCA has some real talent in this area!
PYC 2022 Change of Watch